Friday, January 9, 2009

Don't you just love a good musical??

After school today Pretzel and I (as well as her parents and--lo and behold!--my parents) went to see Valkyrie. Two words: SO GOOD. My family has found that usually if the reviews say it's bad, the flick is pretty good to fantastic. And this is an example. I am a sucker for historical anything in a movie, and this baby was definitely something fascinating: World War 2 plan to take down Hitler  right before the end of the war. Of course, everyone ends up dying (and that doesn't exactly spoil anything for those clueless readers out there--obviously the plan failed because Hitler was suicidal), which makes for a very tragic ending, but I like movies where I cry--OH WAIT that's all of them--and action. Well-balanced action, that is. 
And this calls for...
OOOOH, rant time: Quantum of Solace was a disgrace to the James Bond world. Hide, Daniel Craig, hide far away, back in your dark closet with your soft towels and binkies and never come out again (thks to W.B.E. for the quote!). Don't get me wrong, I like Daniel Craig, and Casino Royale was really quite good--okay, awesome--but THIS? Really?! Really, James Bond?!?! What happened to the gadgets, the talking, the interesting freaking plots (isn't that a crucial part of having an entertaining storyline or did I get lost at dialog??), the gorgeous cars that do in fact last slightly more than  a half a scene before being annihilated by crashes, explosions and the like?!? HONESTLY. Our semi-formal dance was themed James Bond, and I just kept thinking about how the old ones are the ONLY ones to look to if you're going for classic. Classic anything. What happened to the good old days, where the women wore high-waisted bottoms and bullet bras and the guys donned suits in actions flicks and PANTS ABOVE THEIR ASSES?
But anyway.........ha-ha............Valkyrie was quite enjoyable. I'd see it again. The action was good, the acting was pretty good, and it was a true story. Me likey. Oh, and if you're reading this, C.B. (that is to say, if you've gotten this far), you were so right: the flood of tears started when that guy stood in front of Tom Cruise at the end before he got shot...oh lord. What a way to make the ladies lose it. For me, anyway. I'm the ultimate movie crier--seriously, I cried not only at, but BEFORE the end of White Christmas this year. Sadness.

Gotta go to beddy-bye now--OH HEY, I'M HALFWAY DONE WITH NINTH GRADE!!!!! I'M A FULL-FLEDGED FRESHMAN, Y'ALL!!!!!!!!! W00TANG! Can you believe it's already to this point?!? Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana (thks to Schwiegs for that one).


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